We are happy to report that the pandemic situation in the Czech Republic is improving day by day. We hope for the highest possible attendance at EAAE Annual Conference 2021.
Updated rules (22. 8.) for entry to the Czech Republic can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The protective measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic distinguish five categories of countries. European countries are currently among the low-risk (green), medium-risk (orange) and high-risk (red) countries.
Accommodation and services work. Rules and recommendations can be found here as well as rules for restaurants, pubs, bars and clubs (here).
Please be aware that in the interior of the FA CTU is required to wear a respirator. In the case if you will forget one, we have spare ones.
If you are in need of undertaking a test, the closest testing spot to the FA CTU is right on Vítězné náměstí, at the intersection of Šolínova and Technická Streets. Please click on VYPLNIT A REZERVOVAT, the following registration is then also available in English.